
  • Jiří Duda Mendel University in Brno



Employee benefits, Gender, Generation Y, Students


The article presents the partial results of research on the requirements of students, members of the Generation Y, in providing employee benefits. The research was conducted in the period between 2002-2014 among master students of Mendel University in Brno. The paper examines whether the gender of the respondent influences the set of desired employee benefits. There were identified the top ten most requested benefits, for which there was done the analysis of their correlation with the gender of respondents and in the case of three of them there was identified a repeated (in more years) statistical correlation: Coverage of language courses, Additional salary (Midyear bonus), On-site parking. Correlations were also examined in the case of additional 30 benefits and in the case of 4 of them there was identified a repeated (in more 5 years) statistical correlation: Children’s nurseries and kindergartens, Share on profits, Contribution to recreation and Contribution for Christmas (Annual bonus).


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    How to Cite

    Duda, J. (2016) ’GENDER INFLUENCE ON STUDENTS’ REQUIREMENTS OF EMPLOYEE BENEFITS’, Journal on Efficiency and Responsibility in Education and Science, vol. 9, no. 4, pp. 97–102.



    Research Paper