Problems Experienced in Classrooms with Students from Different Cultures




Culture, foreign student, intercultural education, primary school teacher


This study aimed at revealing the problems experienced by primary school teachers in classroom contexts which involve different cultures (Turkish, Iranian, Afghan, and Syrian). Phenomenology design was adopted in the study. The study group was defined through criterion sampling approach. Teachers serving at classrooms involving different cultures and teachers having different professional seniority were included in the study. Nine primary school teachers in total were interviewed, and the data were collected through open ended semi-structured interview questions. The data were analyzed through content analysis. After analysis of the data, the problems experienced by primary school teachers were gathered under three categories as; 1) problems experienced by themselves as teachers, 2) problems experienced in terms of students, and 3) problems experienced in terms of parents.


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How to Cite

Sarı, M. H. and Yüce, E. (2020) ’Problems Experienced in Classrooms with Students from Different Cultures’, Journal on Efficiency and Responsibility in Education and Science, vol. 13, no. 2, pp. 90–100.



Research Paper