Academic Benchmarking and the Provision of Quality Secondary Education in Tanzania




Academic benchmarking, quality education, secondary schools, benchmarking, Tanzania, quality assurance


The study explored the use of academic benchmarking in the provision of quality education in Tanzania secondary schools.  The study found that the ABM process plays a significant role in ensuring the provision of quality education through internal assessment, comparisons, and adoption of best practices from benchmarked schools. The findings disclosed that the secondary education system in Tanzania uses academic benchmarking to inform decision-making. Further, the findings disclose that six types of academic benchmarking are utilised in Tanzanian secondary schools. The study concludes that the academic benchmarking process enhances the provision of quality education since it affects future performance and commitments to work on the goals, vision and mission of secondary schools. Furthermore, academic benchmarking helps to make comparisons and sustain school performance.


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How to Cite

Machumu, H. and Agaptus, A. (2024) ’Academic Benchmarking and the Provision of Quality Secondary Education in Tanzania’, Journal on Efficiency and Responsibility in Education and Science, vol. 17, no. 2, pp. 107–117.



Research Paper