Exploring the Practical Impacts of Research Engagement on English Language Teaching

Insights from an Online Community of Practice





Online communities of practice, Practitioner research, Professional development, Teacher practical knowledge


Practitioner research has been gaining prominence as a means for professional development (PD) since it provides teachers with opportunities to reflect on, comprehend, and transform their practices. However, there is a dearth of research that examines how teachers learn in online communities established to mentor teachers across the world to learn how to do research for PD. This study explores teacher researchers’ use and integration of their research experiences in their teaching as well as uncovering how they develop professionally. To this end, we contacted and interviewed 5 international teacher researchers who participated in our 5-week online training in 2021 within the scope of TESOL’s Electronic Village Online (EVO) and shared the preliminary findings. Interviews lasted around 50 minutes during which teachers reflected on their research experience in retrospect and self-reported how this influenced and informed teaching. Transcripts are analyzed thematically through the NVivo software. Findings indicate that our participants reported practical improvement in their instructions not only during but also after the research. They also highlighted how research implementation with their students created opportunities to revisit their own beliefs and the corresponding practices. The study has implications for in-service teacher educators and research mentors who provide online research-driven PD.


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How to Cite

Dikilitas, K. and Gokturk Saglam, A. L. (2023) ’Exploring the Practical Impacts of Research Engagement on English Language Teaching: Insights from an Online Community of Practice ’, Journal on Efficiency and Responsibility in Education and Science, vol. 16, no. 1, pp. 46–54. https://doi.org/10.7160/eriesj.2023.160105