Empowering Futures: Unveiling the Impact of Career Readiness on Job Seeker and Creator through Self-Efficacy
Career readiness, Digital literacy, Employability skill, Entrepreneurial mindset, Job creator, ICT skills, Structural equation modelAbstract
Factors that represent the tendency to become job creators are proxied to entrepreneurial characteristics. Meanwhile, factors that represent career readiness include digital literacy, entrepreneurial mindset, work skills, and ICT skills. A population of economic education undergraduate students teaching at universities in Indonesia was used, using 455 samples. Later, the data were analyzed using the Structural Equation Model (SEM) with the IBM-SPSS AMOS 26 program. The findings prove that career readiness is not only important for job seekers but also necessary for those who will become job creators. From the hypothesis test, career readiness has a partial influence on the tendency to become a job seeker and job creator among undergraduate economic education students. The positive coefficient indicates that increasing career readiness can significantly increase the propensity to seek and create jobs. This research opens the view that work skills are also needed to make students become job creators. Therefore, this research has essential meaning as a blueprint for educational institutions to incorporate career development into their academic programs.
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