
  • Kateřina Kostolányová University of Ostrava
  • Jana Šarmanová University of Ostrava
  • Ondřej Takács University of Ostrava



e-learning, adaptability, adaptive learning environment, individualized instruction, learning style, evaluation, analysis


This paper introduces a complex plan for a complete system of individualized electronic instruction. The core of the system is a computer program to control teaching, the so called “virtual teacher”. The virtual teacher automatically adapts to individual student’s characteristics and their learning style. It adapts to static as well as to dynamic characteristics of the student. To manage all this it needs a database of various styles and forms of teaching as well as a sufficient amount of information about the learning style, type of memory and other characteristics of the student. The information about these characteristics, the structure of data storage and its use by the virtual teacher are also part of this paper. We also outline a methodology of adaptive study materials. We define basic rules and forms to create adaptive study materials. This adaptive e-learning system was pilot tested in learning of more than 50 students. These students filled in a learning style questionnaire at the beginning of the study and they had the option to fill in an adaptive evaluation questionnaire at the end of the study. Results of these questionnaires were analyzed. Several conclusions were concluded from this analysis to alter the methodology of adaptive study materials.


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How to Cite

Kostolányová, K., Šarmanová, J. and Takács, O. (2012) ’ADAPTIVE E-LEARNING AND ITS EVALUATION’, Journal on Efficiency and Responsibility in Education and Science, vol. 5, no. 4, pp. 212–225.



Research Paper