A Role of Siblings in Perception of Academic Self-Efficacy and Social Support





Academic self-efficacy, Educational counselling, perceived social support, siblings, social determination of education


An educational efficiency of an individual is strongly and bidirectionally connected with his/her self-perception determined by the unique family system and overall sense of social well-being. The role of parents is obvious and both theoretically and empirically well-researched. Nevertheless, academic self-efficacy may be significantly affected also by siblings, whose role is neglected by theory and research. Our research deals with various specifics of siblings’ constellations and their impact on selected dimensions of academic self-efficacy (perception of school success, efficiency, educational dispositions, and ambitions). Our findings proved differences in all observed categories (gender, family order, age-distance) and indicate relative better academic self-efficacy (compared with a sibling) by females and respondents with a brother. Similarly, higher level of academic self-efficacy was detected by older siblings and respondents with a longer age-distance between them and their siblings. Moreover, the research points out the siblings-related specifics of social support perceived from a family. Conclusions are applicable in educational theory as well as in praxis of educational counselling with an intention to support equal opportunities in education and professional development.


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How to Cite

Krejčová, K., Chýlová, H. and Michálek, P. (2019) ’A Role of Siblings in Perception of Academic Self-Efficacy and Social Support’, Journal on Efficiency and Responsibility in Education and Science, vol. 12, no. 4, pp. 126–134. https://doi.org/10.7160/eriesj.2019.120403



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